Helping people who don't want surgery,
when they can't have it, or when it hasn't helped
Dr Nigel Kellow is one of the country's leading specialists in treating people with painful spinal and neurological problems. His patients fall into three main groups - those who really don’t want surgery; those for whom surgery isn’t the right thing to do; and those who’ve had surgery but still have a problem.
He trained in London, Oxford, Cambridge, and Paris before becoming an NHS Consultant at Barts and the London NHS Trust in 1996. In his first two years at Barts he did an MBA at the London Business School.
About half his referrals come from spinal and neurosurgeons and other consultants, a quarter from GPs and physiotherapists, and a quarter from word of mouth recommendation.
He specialises in precision image-guided interventional procedures for painful spinal, neurological, and skeletal conditions. Treatments include radiofrequency ablation procedures, precision injections and spinal cord stimulation.
His research interests are in the use of augmented reality and virtual reality to improve accuracy and patient safety in interventional procedures, improving techniques and procedures, and in the use of crowdsourced data to improve human health.